International Students in Canada Allowed 24-Hour Weekly Work from September

In a recent update, Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced that international students will now be allowed to work for up to 24 hours from September 2024 onwards.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, IRCC implemented a temporary rule to address labour shortages, allowing international students to work 20 hours per week. This temporary rule expired by April 30, 2024, and there will be no extension to it. Minister Miller clearly stated that Canada should follow the lead of other countries by setting limits on international students' work hours. The new rule will come into effect by September. By increasing from 20 to 24 hours of off-campus work, international students can earn more to meet their daily expenses.
However, during the summer and winter breaks, international students can work without restrictions.
Addressing the critic's opinions, Minister Miller said that the federal government is setting the cap of 24 hours since it is "reasonable" and needs to address the international students' current financial constraints. The government aims to balance students' personal and work lives so that they can concentrate more on their studies. He said that international students are already working more than 20 hours as per the internal department report. So this is the right time to clear the confusion and cap the working hours for the students.
The federal government's effort is to address the growing trend of international students in Canada. IRCC also emphasized that they are planning to increase the working hours to 30 hours/week as a future option.
We will update you as soon as the new information becomes available. Meanwhile, let us keep our fingers crossed for a positive announcement.