Study in France: A Guide for International Students

  • Feb 21 2024
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Are you thinking about moving to Europe and figuring out where to study? Well, France is an excellent choice for international students in 2024. Offering a distinctive academic experience, it provides an ideal environment for students seeking a vibrant and intellectually stimulating place to learn.

France has the most time zones of any country, with a total of twelve, mainly because of its numerous territories spread across different regions of the world. France, located in Western Europe, has a diverse geography, from the rugged Alps in the southeast to the rolling hills of Provence. The country is renowned for its iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the French Riviera. It is also home to fertile plains, picturesque vineyards, and scenic coastlines.

What Makes France Unique for Studies?

France is a favored study destination for students worldwide due to its combination of academic excellence, cultural richness, global presence, and diverse opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  • France's active involvement in global affairs and its membership in various influential organizations such as the European Union, Eurozone, NATO, G7, and WTO provides students valuable exposure to international relations and diplomacy.
  • A prestigious education system with more than 250,000 international students choosing France as their study destination, it stands as the 8th globally and 5th in Europe among the top study destinations.
  • Renowned universities and institutions offer a wide range of programs and disciplines, ensuring a high-quality education for students.
  • Many programs are taught in English, increasing accessibility for international students.
  • Scholarships and affordable tuition fees are available.
  • Opportunities for internships and research increase the academic experience.
  • Rich cultural experience and vibrant lifestyle
  • Central location in Europe facilitates travel and exploration.
  • Access to valuable networking opportunities, fostering connections that can benefit future career prospects.
  • Academic excellence, cultural immersion, and practical benefits attract students globally.

Education System and Job Opportunities for International Students

France, renowned for its cultural and intellectual heritage, hosts a diverse education system overseen by the Ministry of Education. From primary to higher education, students have access to various institutions, including public universities like Sorbonne University, specialized schools, and prestigious Grandes écoles such as Sciences Po Paris and HEC Paris. Popular fields of study include economics, business, fashion, hospitality, technology, and tourism. Let us see the division of the education system in a nutshell:

Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education

  • The education system is divided into three stages: primary, secondary, and higher education.
  • All stages overseen by the French Ministry of Education.

Public Universities

  • Offer academic, technical, and professional degrees.
  • Degrees are awarded at three levels: Bachelor's, Master's, and doctoral.
  • High schools provide preparation for university entrance.

Grandes Écoles: 

  • Selective institutions offering specialized three-year programs.
  • Majors include business, public administration, and engineering.
  • Competitive admission based on exam scores and completion of baccalauréat.

Specialized Schools: 

  • Public or private specialised schools train students for professional careers.
  • Offer Master's degrees in the fields like art, architecture, and social work.

Universities and Colleges in France

France welcomes approximately 2.5 million students annually, with around 12% coming from abroad. The French University system has over 3,500 institutions, including 72 universities and 200+ business and engineering schools. Degrees align with the European "Bologna" system based on European Credits (ECTS) for degree standardization and compatibility.

Some Major Institutions in France include renowned names:

  • EDHEC Business School
  • Centrale Méditerranée
  • Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA
  • Institut supérieur du commerce de Paris
  • FERRANDI Paris
  • ISTC
  • Académie de Géopolitique
  • ESIEE Paris - Gustave Eiffel University
  • ISART Digital
  • Paris School of Business

As an international student, you have access to a wide range of Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate degrees to choose from.

  • Bachelor's Degree (Licence Professionnelle):
    • Duration: Three years
    • Equivalent to undergraduate studies
    • Eligibility: A high school diploma or equivalent to baccalaureate from your country of origin
    • Language proficiency documents either in the French or English language
    • Offers foundational knowledge in the chosen field
  • Master's Degree:
    • Duration: Around two to six years
    • Provides advanced specialization
    • Eligibility: Completing Diplôme National de Master (DNM) or a similar graduate course from your country
    • Four types of Master's in France: The Mastère Spécialisé (MS), the Mastère en Science (MSc), the Master of Art (MA) and the Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    • Varied duration depending on the discipline
  • Doctorate Degree:
    • Duration: Minimum of eight years
    • Highest academic qualification
    • Requires extensive research and thesis defense
    • 270 doctoral schools attached to more than 2,000 research laboratories in France
    • Majority of PhD degrees in France are in French.
    • Knowledge of basic French is recommended since some programs require writing a thesis abstract or proposal in French.

You may explore a wide range of academic programs offered in France, including MSc, Master's, BSc, Bachelor's, MBA, BBA, DBA, EMBA, Summer Courses, BA, Foundation Years, Graduate Diplomas, and PhDs, catering to diverse educational and career aspirations.

Student Visa for Non-European Students

Aspiring Non-European students have two visa options:

  1. Long-term visa used as a Residence Permit (VLS-TS) 
  2. Temporary long-term visa (VLS-T). 

These visas are crucial for non-European nationals planning to study in France for more than three months.

  1. Long-Term Visa Used as Residence Permit (VLS-TS):
  • Once validated upon arrival, this visa allows you to stay in France for up to one year without needing a separate residence permit.
  • There are three variations depending on your level of study:
    • For Bachelor's and Master's studies: The Student VLS-TS Visa
    • For Doctorate studies: The Talent Passport VLS-TS Visa
    • For internships: The Internship VLS-TS Visa
  1. Temporary long-term visa (VLS-T)


  • Individuals can stay in France with this visa for one year for educational purposes, access French Social Security benefits, and enjoy unrestricted travel within Schengen countries.
  • Visa does not require validation upon arrival and cannot be renewed.

Student VLS-TS Visa For Bachelor's and Master's Studies

The visa allows you to study in France for four months to one year but needs validation upon arrival. For studies exceeding a year, a multi-annual residence permit is required. This visa facilitates travel within the Schengen Area, permits student employment, and offers subsidies from the French Family Allowance Fund.

Upon arrival, you have three months to validate your visa. The process can be done digitally with a valid email address, relevant visa information, arrival date, and French address. Payment for validation can be made online with a French bank card or through electronic stamps purchasable at kiosks.

Talent Passport VLS-TS Visa For Doctorate studies

The long-stay visa enables individuals to pursue Doctorate degrees, work as professors, or conduct research in France at the highest academic level. This visa can be renewed if necessary, requiring applicants to hold a Master's degree.

As a researcher or doctoral student, you must have a hosting agreement from the institution outlining the assignment's duration and nature. This document must be sent by the host institute and stamped by the official Consulate authorities in your home country for all non-European nationals.

For study periods under one year, visa validation can be completed online within three months of arrival. For longer studies, apply for a multi-year Researcher Talent Passport residence permit within the first two months in France.

Contact your nearest French Embassy or Consulate for talent passport application submissions and eligibility inquiries.

Student's Housing and Accommodation

The cost of living in France depends on where you study and how you live. Finding student housing can be challenging, especially in big cities like Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, or Marseille. Paris is more expensive, but smaller cities like Nantes, Rouen, Grenoble, Montpellier, and Lille are more affordable and student-friendly. Therefore, when planning to study in France, it's essential to factor in the cost of living and the amenities available in your chosen city to ensure a comfortable stay.

Students in France typically have several accommodation options to consider. University residence halls, managed by CROUS, are known for their affordability and popularity among international students. Private student residences offer additional facilities, albeit at a slightly higher cost. Renting a private apartment provides independence but can be more expensive. Sharing an apartment with others is a budget-friendly option that fosters social connections. Living with a French family or an elderly resident is another popular choice, often involving assistance with household tasks in exchange for reduced or no rent.

Tuition Fees for International students

European students typically pay modest annual fees for Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degrees, with slightly higher rates for engineering schools. Non-European international students may benefit from the French state covering a significant portion of their tuition fees, provided they can demonstrate they are not permanent residents of France. This fee reduction applies to designated institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, resulting in more manageable tuition expenses. However, tuition fees at private institutions, including prestigious Grande Écoles, can be considerably higher, ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands of euros per academic year.

French Scholarships for International Students

Various scholarships are available annually for students pursuing academic studies offered by the French state and the Erasmus+ program.

  • Campus Bourses Website: Visit the Campus Bourses website for detailed information about scholarships available to international students, simplifying your search for the ideal scholarship.
  • French Foreign Ministry Scholarships: The French Foreign Ministry collaborates with numerous organizations and European programs to offer various scholarships. The Ministry of Higher Education also awards scholarships based on specific eligibility criteria.
  • Erasmus+ Scholarships: Erasmus+ scholarships have assisted over two million students and are a valuable resource for funding your studies. Consider applying for Master's and Doctorate studies through the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program.
  • Seeking Further Information: For additional details on available scholarships in France, contact your nearest French Consulate or Embassy or explore the official websites of relevant institutions and programs.

Global Importance of French

French is spoken by around 300 million people globally. Approximately 30% of modern English words have French origins. It was England's official language for 300 years. Besides France, French is an official language in several countries, including Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Congo, Mali, and Senegal. Mastery of French is highly valuable as it is an official language in many international institutions such as the United Nations, the European Union, the International Olympic Committee, the Red Cross, and Médecins sans Frontières.

French proficiency will be vital for professionals in the coming years due to its widespread use in business, diplomacy, and international organizations. As globalization continues to expand, French remains one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide. Students benefit from learning French as it enhances communication skills and offers a competitive advantage in various fields. Mastery of French is crucial for accessing opportunities in international business, tourism, and diplomacy in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

Application process for International Students

  1. Pick your Program: Explore diverse disciplines to shape your future, from fashion management in global capitals to prestigious business degrees.
  2. Admission Requirements: Understand criteria based on nationality and academic level. Seek guidance from the French Embassy or universities and leverage Campus France support. Also, you may contact us for advice and assistance.
  3. Gather Necessary Documents: Collect required paperwork, including application forms, transcripts, essays, and language proficiency proofs. Ensure translations into French if necessary.
  4. Submit Your Application: Apply through Parcoursup for Bachelor's first year or contact universities directly for higher years or other degrees. Non-Europeans follow Preliminary Admission ("Demande d'Admission Préalable - DAP") and apply via Campus France. For assistance with visa applications and concerns, contact ImmiEd Global.
  5. Apply for a French Student Visa: Upon acceptance, pay tuition fees and apply for the appropriate visa, adhering to regulations based on nationality. Seek assistance from the French embassy if needed.
  6. Arrive in France: Prepare for your journey to study in one of the world's most sophisticated and romantic countries, embracing new academic and cultural experiences.
  7. Visa Application Process: Visa approval may take up to two months, so submit all required information promptly before you plan to leave.
  8. Completing Your Visa Application: Ensure completion of the entire France Visa application without leaving any sections blank, as this could significantly delay the process. Additionally, gather all required documents and submit them along with the application to avoid any complications.

France: Leading Choice for International Students! 

France shares its borders with six neighbouring countries, offering international students ample opportunities to explore France and neighbouring European countries like Germany and Spain. Moreover, France has an affordable, efficient, and extensive transportation system, enabling international students, even those on a budget, to travel the world seamlessly by plane, train, or automobile. Thus, studying in France is an excellent chance to experience diverse European cultures and landscapes. In recent years, France has actively endeavoured to attract many international students, implementing measures such as streamlining the visa process and, in certain instances, providing grants to incentivize international students to pursue higher education in France. 

A recent study by Campus France reveals that international students perceive France as a leading intellectual and scientific hub with significant cultural and artistic influence alongside a rich historical heritage. Furthermore, the study indicates that three-quarters (76%) of respondents view France's economy as stable and healthy. The primary reasons for choosing France include the quality of educational offerings (46%), the opportunity to learn French (41%), the reputation of educational institutions and faculty (34%), and the value of French degrees (32%). Notably, France's cultural influence emerges as a key factor, cited by 78% of respondents, contributing significantly to the country's success in attracting international students in recent years. These efforts underscore France's commitment to fostering a diverse and vibrant academic community, offering students from around the globe an enriching educational experience. 

France All Set to Welcome 500,000 Students by 2027 

France has set an ambitious goal of welcoming half a million international students by 2027, based on growth rates achieved by close competitors and the projected impact of the Choose France strategy. 

Additionally, France aims to encourage more international students through initiatives such as simplifying visa policies, expanding programs in French and English, and labelling exemplary support programs for international students. 

Launching of the Bienvenue en France support fund with a €10 million endowment marked a significant step in 2019. Additionally, the French government's decision permits postsecondary institutions to introduce new tuition rates for non-EU students. This, along with the planned increase in government scholarships for international students, underscores France's commitment to enhancing opportunities for global education. The government hopes to attract no less than 500,000 international students by 2027 through these measures.

Consequently, studying in France grants access to world-renowned institutions and diverse programs and opens doors to a culturally enriching and intellectually stimulating environment.

ImmiEd Global comprises proficient immigration lawyers and overseas study experts, providing expertise in study permits, post-study pathways, and various immigration services. Connect with us to embark on your journey towards a brighter future in France.


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